Finance Committee
List of Members of The Academic Council :

Prof. (Dr.) S. Shanthakumar
Director, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar

Shri P. M. Raval
Secretary and R.L.A., Legal Department, Government of Gujarat

Shri K.K. Nirala, IAS
Secretary (Expenditure) (I/C), Finance Department, Government of Gujarat (Nominated by Finance Secretary, Government of Gujarat)

Smt. Sunaina Tomar, IAS
Additional Chief Secretary (Higher & Technical Education), Education Department, Government of Gujarat
Special Invitees :

Mr. Amal Dhru
Chartered Accountant, Amal Datt & Associates, Ahmedabad

Dr. Nitin Malik
Ex-Officio Secretary, Registrar, Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar